There is a total of 30 Collectibles in Chapter 7: Into The Void. 15 of the Collectibles are Story-related (unmissable) and will unlock naturally.
Below the video you’ll find a full list of all Collectibles. The video covers everything that you need to collect which are missable. If you miss a physical Log, you can return later and pick it up.
Everything on the USG Ishimura (except Collectibles and a Trophy earned in Chapter 9) can be collected up until the point of no return in Chapter 11, except certain Logs triggered by certain actions in different Chapters. At the end of Chapter 11 you’ll be prompted with a dialogue box asking you if you want to leave the ship. 13:28:202023-02-18 13:28:21Dead Space Chapter 7: Into The Void Collectible Locations
There is a total of 35 Collectibles in Chapter 6: Environmental Hazard. 19 of the Collectibles are Story-related (unmissable) and will unlock naturally.
Below the video you’ll find a full list of all Collectibles. The video covers everything that you need to collect which are missable. If you miss a physical Log, you can return later and pick it up.
Everything on the USG Ishimura (except Collectibles and a Trophy earned in Chapter 9) can be collected up until the point of no return in Chapter 11, except certain Logs triggered by certain actions in different Chapters. At the end of Chapter 11 you’ll be prompted with a dialogue box asking you if you want to leave the ship. 13:25:272023-02-18 13:25:28Dead Space Chapter 6: Environmental Hazard Collectible Locations
There is a total of 19 Collectibles in Chapter 5: Lethal Devotion. 10 of the Collectibles are Story-related (unmissable) and will unlock naturally.
Below the video you’ll find a full list of all Collectibles. The video covers everything that you need to collect which are missable. If you miss a physical Log, you can return later and pick it up.
Everything on the USG Ishimura (except Collectibles and a Trophy earned in Chapter 9) can be collected up until the point of no return in Chapter 11, except certain Logs triggered by certain actions in different Chapters. At the end of Chapter 11 you’ll be prompted with a dialogue box asking you if you want to leave the ship. 13:18:022023-02-18 13:18:03Dead Space Chapter 5: Lethal Devotion Collectible Locations
There is a total of 33 Collectibles in Chapter 4: Obliteration Imminent. 14 of the Collectibles are Story-related (unmissable) and will unlock naturally.
Below the video you’ll find a full list of all Collectibles. The video covers everything that you need to collect which are missable. If you miss a physical Log, you can return later and pick it up.
Everything on the USG Ishimura (except Collectibles and a Trophy earned in Chapter 9) can be collected up until the point of no return in Chapter 11, except certain Logs triggered by certain actions in different Chapters. At the end of Chapter 11 you’ll be prompted with a dialogue box asking you if you want to leave the ship. 13:14:052023-02-18 13:18:14Dead Space Chapter 4: Obliteration Imminent Collectible Locations
There is a total of 30 Collectibles in Chapter 3: Course Correction. 11 of the Collectibles are Story-related (unmissable) and will unlock naturally.
Below the video you’ll find a full list of all Collectibles. The video covers everything that you need to collect which are missable. If you miss a physical Log, you can return later and pick it up.
Everything on the USG Ishimura (except Collectibles and a Trophy earned in Chapter 9) can be collected up until the point of no return in Chapter 11, except certain Logs triggered by certain actions in different Chapters. At the end of Chapter 11 you’ll be prompted with a dialogue box asking you if you want to leave the ship. 13:09:232023-02-18 13:09:24Dead Space Chapter 3: Course Correction Collectible Locations
The Secret Alternate Ending is new to the Remake. There was only one ending in the original game from 2008. You need to collect all 12 Marker Fragments in New Game + to unlock the Secret Alternate Ending in Dead Space Remake. First you have to complete the game to unlock New Game +.
The Marker Fragments are ONLY available in NG+ – so you’ll have to get this trophy on your 2nd playthrough at the earliest. The 12th (and last) Marker Fragment are located in Chapter 11. After collecting all 12 Markers, you need to place them in Crew Quarters before proceeding with the story. Completing the story after placing the Markers will unlock the Secret Alternate Ending.
Marker Fragments by Chapter
Chapter 1 (1 Marker Fragment)
Chapter 2 (1 Marker Fragment)
Chapter 3 (1 Marker Fragment)
Chapter 4 (1 Marker Fragment)
Chapter 5 (2 Marker Fragments)
Chapter 6 (None)
Chapter 7 (2 Marker Fragments)
Chapter 8 (1 Marker Fragment)
Chapter 9 (None)
Chapter 10 (2 Marker Fragments)
Chapter 11 (1 Marker Fragment) 12:58:582023-02-18 12:58:59Dead Space All 12 Marker Fragments Locations (Secret Alternate Ending)
Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, you need to complete the game on Impossible Difficulty
Minimum Playthroughs: 2
PS4/PS5 Crossbuy: Yes
Free-Roam / Chapter Select after Story?:
Release Date: January 27, 2023
STEP 1: Complete the Game on any Difficulty using only the Plasma Cutter + All Collectibles + 3 Side Missions (7-9 Hours)
I recommend that you complete the game on “Story” or “Easy” difficulty using only the Plasma Cutter on your first playthrough. On lower difficulties you can save up more Credits, you can sell Med Packs and excess ammo. This can potentially save some time later on.
Completing the game using only the Plasma Cutter is quite easy, so don’t worry to much about the difficulty, no matter which you choose.
You need to collect all Collectibles and complete the 3 Side Missions. Then you can skip them on your New Game Plus playthrough (beside Nodes which are used for all upgrades). The 3 Side Missions can be completed up until the point-of-no-return in Chapter 11. Be sure to have completed the Side Missions by then. The Missions are included in the linked guide above with minimal back-tracking. Also keep and eye out for the 3 chapter-specific trophies listed below.
Side Mission overview:
Mission 1: Scientific Methods (Whole Again) – Can be started in Chapter 2, and completed as early as Chapter 10.
Mission 2: Premeditated Practices (Final Regeneration) – Can be started in Chapter 6, and completed as early as Chapter 7.
Mission 3: You Are Not Authorized (Full Clearence) – Can be started in Chapter 2, and completed as early as Chapter 10.
STEP 2: Complete New Game Plus and earn the Secret Alternate Ending + Fully Upgrade Everything + 30 Kills with every Weapon (6-8 Hours)
Complete the game again using your save from your first playthough. Start New Game Plus from the main menu. This time you need to collect all the Nodes again, and purchase enough Nodes to upgrade all weapons and the suit.
There’s a new Collectible that spawns in New Game Plus – the 12 Marker Fragments. You need to collect all 12 and place them at a specifc spot in Crew Quarters, this will unlock the Secret Alternate Ending (Reunion). Be sure that you place the 12 Markers as soon as you collect the last one in Chapter 11.
STEP 3: Complete the game on Impossible (6-8 Hours)
The Impossible difficulty as not nearly as difficult as the original game. The only issue is that you difficulty reverts to “Hard” if you die, making this a kind of permadeath mode.
There are multiple workarounds to this trophy. The first option is to upload your save to the PS+ cloud – that way you can download your uploaded save if you die.
Another option is to quickly pause the game if you happen to die (watch a death animation or red screen), quit to main menu and hit continue. That way the game won’t have time to register the death and you’ll be able to continue on Impossible.
Set A Benchmark Complete the game on Medium difficulty or above.
Difficult-related trophies stack. You can complete the game on “easy” or “story” for your first two playthroughs if you want. This trophy will unlock when you complete the game on “Impossible.”
Untouchable Complete the game in Impossible Mode.
This trophy has been changed from the original Dead Space. This time the difficulty setting is “hard,” and the only catch is that dying reverts your save to a lower difficulty – meaning you have to beat “Impossible” difficulty without dying.
There are multiple workarounds to this trophy. The first option is to upload your save to the PS+ cloud – that way you can download your uploaded save if you die.
Another option is to quickly pause the game if you happen to die (watch a death animation or red screen), quit to main menu and hit continue. That way the game won’t have time to register the death and you’ll be able to continue on Impossible.
Trusted Contractor Complete New Game Plus on any difficulty mode.
You unlock New Game Plus after completing the game. Simply complete the game again to unlock the trophy. The only difference in NG+ is the appearence of a new Collectible (Marker Fragments) along with the option to unlock the Secret Alternate Ending.
You can only choose the difficulty you previously completed the game on, which means you can’t choose Impossible difficulty in NG+ to make it easier.
Note: The trophy unlocks when you visit the Bench and look on every weapon branch, after finding and purchasing every upgrade at the shop.
Autofire Kill 30 enemies with the Pulse Rifle.
Simply kill 30 enemies with the Pulse Rifle. You can get all weapon related trophies on your second playthrough in NG+, after you completed the game using only the Plasma Cutter.
Live with the Hot Ones Kill 30 enemies with the Flamethrower.
Simply kill 30 enemies with the Flamethrower. You can get all weapon related trophies on your second playthrough in NG+, after you completed the game using only the Plasma Cutter.
A Cut Above Kill 30 enemies with the Ripper.
Simply kill 30 enemies with the Ripper. You can get all weapon related trophies on your second playthrough in NG+, after you completed the game using only the Plasma Cutter.
Pusher Kill 30 enemies with the Force Gun.
Simply kill 30 enemies with the Force Gun. You can get all weapon related trophies on your second playthrough in NG+, after you completed the game using only the Plasma Cutter.
Eviscerator Kill 30 enemies with the Line Gun.
Simply kill 30 enemies with the Line Gun. You can get all weapon related trophies on your second playthrough in NG+, after you completed the game using only the Plasma Cutter.
Full Contact Kill 30 enemies with the Contact Beam.
Simply kill 30 enemies with the Pulse Contact Beam. You can get all weapon related trophies on your second playthrough in NG+, after you completed the game using only the Plasma Cutter.
One Gun Beat the game using only the Plasma Cutter.
This trophy is actually quite easy – the Plasma Cutter is easily the best weapon in the game. You’ll collect all upgrades on your first playthrough which is also your “Plasma Cutter only run” – put every Node into your Plasma Cutter branch and Suit branch.
Play on “Story” difficulty if you want to breeze through the game. But even on “Normal” it won’t be much of a challenge, but a more balanced challenge for any player.
Late in the story you can find the last Plasma Cutter upgrade which powers up your melee. This is very over-powered, even for Impossible difficulty. It can give you a bit more of an edge if your struggling.
Pack Rat Place 25 items in Storage.
Simply visit any shop and put a total of 25 items into storage. This will come naturally over the course of the game.
There is a total of 188 Logs in the game. Most Logs will unlock while following the main story. Story-related Logs counts towards your trophy progress. Realistically you only need to collect around 40-50 Logs.
There is a total of 13 Schematics in the game, but the trophy unlocks after collecting 12 of them. The reason behind it is because a Schematic in Chapter 9 is missable. You can’t return to the area after completing that specifc Chapter.
The best ways to eliminate enemies is by dismembering limbs. That is one of the core mechanics in Dead Space. This will come naturally on your first playthrough.
Wishbone Rip off a dangling limb using Kinesis.
This trophy sounds easy, but it’s not – it can prove quite frustrating. Whenever you shot a Necromorph, their limbs will take damage and start to deteriorate.When the limb is dangling, you need to use Kenesis to pull it off. The issue is that the limb falls off by itself quite fast.
Spam Stasis and focus on damaging a specifc shoulder joint with the Pulse Rifle. As soon as the limb starts to dangle, activate Kinesis and pull it off (Aim high with Kinesis, or else you pull of the bladed bone at the end of the Necromorphs hand).
Raise The Stakes Pin an enemy.
This will most likely come naturally. There are two ways to pin enemies. First option is to pick up spike looking items around the ship with Kinesis and shoot them at the Necromrophs. The spikes have a white glow to them.
The other and far better option is to shoot of a necromorph arm/hand, use Kinesis on the bladed bone and shoot it back at them. The Necromorph needs to be pinned to a wall for the trophy to unlock.
Freeze Use Stasis on 50 enemies.
This will unlock naturally on your first playthrough.
Backbreaker Kill 10 enemies with a stomp attack.
This will most likely unlock naturally on your first playthrough.
Maxed Out Fully upgrade all weapons and equipment.
You need to fully upgrade all 7 weapons along with the suit. Before that’s even possible, you need to collect/purchase all 21 Weapon Upgrades and purchase the Level 6 Suit.
It takes a total of 189 Nodes to fully upgrade everything. 59 Nodes can be picked up (found around the map and dropped from Brutes), then you get 10 Nodes for completing the game, and the last option to acquire Nodes is to purchase them at the shop for 10,000 Credits each.
That means that you can get at least 90 nodes on your forst playthrough (without purchasing any Nodes), then you can recollect the 59 Nodes in NG+. That leaves the last 42 Nodes to be purchased at the shop for a toal of 420,000 Credits. If you conserve ammo and sell everything else, you’ll have way more than enough Credits by the end of your NG+ playthrough.
There’s Always Peng! Find the Peng Treasure.
The Peng Treasure have moved location since the original Dead Space. You find the Treasure near the start of Chapter 11.
As soon as you go down an elevator (your objective is to transport the Marker), turn around and move the objects with Kenesis to reveal som lockers. The Peng Treasure is located in the locker to the left.
Front Toward Enemy Survive the Shooting Gallery.
This trophy is only achievable in Chapter 9: Dead on Arrival. After fixing the elevator, you’ll pass the Shooting Gallery.Activate the Shooting Gallery and defeat all enemies present to unlock the trophy. Remember to pick up the Node and other resources from the lockers (they unlock after you defeat the enemies.
This trophy is only achievable in Chapter 10: End of Days. You need a total of 220 Points to reach level 6. It can take a couple of tries, but focusing on the glowing goals and only missing one or two shots will ensure that you get the trophy – the glowing goals grant double points.
Reunion See the alternative ending on any difficulty mode.
The Secret Alternate Ending are only obtainable in New Game Plus. You need to collect all 12 Marker Fragments and place them in the Crew Quarters to unlock the secret ending.
All of this needs to be done before you leave the USG Ishimura in Chapter 11. 12:49:242023-03-12 17:28:42Dead Space Remake Trophy Guide & Roadmap
There is a total of 324 Collectibles in the new Dead Space Remake. Below is a list with the different type of Collectibles and how many of each you need for the different trophies. You need to keep an eye out for certain Collectibles on your first playthrough. Look out for Schematics, Weapons, Weapon Upgrades, Nodes, Side Missions and Chapter-specific Trophies.
Everything on the USG Ishimura (except Collectibles and a Trophy earned in Chapter 9) can be collected up until the point of no return in Chapter 11, except certain Logs triggered by certain actions in different Chapters. At the end of Chapter 11 you’ll be prompted with a dialogue box asking you if you want to leave the ship.
NOTE: All Collectibles carry over to New Game Plus along with Nodes and Credits you get for completing the game. Reach the 1st Shop in New Game Plus to recieve all your collected items and gear.
Collectibles by type
188 Logs – 150 Needed for Story Teller and Legend Teller
13 Schematics – 12 Needed for Merchant
9 Weapons – Full Arsenal
21 Weapon Upgrades – Built To Order
6 Suit Upgrades – Needed for Maxed Out
67 Nodes – 189 total needed for Maxed Out, which you need to go into New Game Plus to find/buy enough Nodes
3 Side Missions – Full Clearance, Final Regeneration and Whole Again
5 Chapter-specific Trophies –
12 Marker Fragments (New Game Plus) – 1 Needed for Marked, all needed for Reunion
Most Logs will come naturally through normal play, some of them are missable and require certain actions before they trigger. Story Logs that play throughout the story counts towards your progress for a total of 150 Logs.
Schematics are found around the USG Ishimura. You need to return them to the shop to purchase new Suits are Weapon Upgrades. They are also tied to fully upgrading everything for the trophy Maxed Out.
I recommend completing the 3 Side Missions on your first playthrough,. You can complete all 3 up until the end of Chapter 11 (point-of-no-return), along with all other Collectibles – except upgrades and Marker Fragments, you will get the Trophies related to those Collectibles in NG+. 20:30:042023-02-18 13:54:54Dead Space All Collectible Locations
There is a total of 92 Collectibles in Wanted: Dead related to “Collections.” The Collectibles are found across all 5 Missions and the Police HQ – every Collectible in the main story is missable. The only Collectibles that aren’t missable are the ones collected in the Crane Game mini-game. You can acces the mini-game from the Main Menu or Police HQ at any time.
You need to collect all 92 Collectibles listed in “Collections” to unlock the True Collector trophy. You will also unlock Otaku for collecting all 18 Figures which are a part of “Collections.”
Collectibles by type
20 Reports
15 Profiles
7 Photos
6 Other
5 Maps
18 Figures
21 Songs
If you miss a Collectible from the main story, you need to start a New Game or New Game Plus. The Collectibles are saved on your Profile no matter which option you choose.
Check “Collections” from the Main Menu to get an overview of what you still need to collect. NOTE: If you miss a Collectible on your 1st or 2nd visit to Ploice HQ (small hub inbetween Missions), then you can collect them all on your 3rd visit. The video guide shows the Collectibles in Police HQ as soon as they become available.
Mission 1: Dauer HQ
#1: Dauer HQ Map (Map 1/5) – 00:00
#2: Safety Department Reports (Reports 1/20) – 00:21
There are 4 different colors of collectible capsules in the Crane Game Capsule Capture =
– Yellow contain Memories [another trophy].
– Red contain 10 different Ramen songs [Check the mini-game to see how many you have].
– Blue contain 6 different songs [The Final Push, 99 Luftballons, Meet Mr. Holiday, Crazy Cat Lady, Night Shift, Before It’s Over]
– Green contain 5 different songs [Engel Takes Over, Job Audition Blues, Venomous Grace, Disco Fever, Mech Assault]
NOTE: It can take HOURS to get all songs since they are RANDOM. 20:21:392023-02-14 20:23:03Wanted: Dead All Collectible Locations – 100% Guide
There is a total of 31 Collectibles in Chapter 2: Intensive Care. 12 of the Collectibles are Story-related (unmissable) and will unlock naturally.
Below the video you’ll find a full list of all Collectibles. The video covers everything that you need to collect which are missable. If you miss a physical Log, you can return later and pick it up.
Everything on the USG Ishimura (except Collectibles and a Trophy earned in Chapter 9) can be collected up until the point of no return in Chapter 11, except certain Logs triggered by certain actions in different Chapters. At the end of Chapter 11 you’ll be prompted with a dialogue box asking you if you want to leave the ship. 12:27:412023-02-18 13:34:16Dead Space Chapter 2: Intensive Care Collectible Locations