The 4 pieces of Genji equipment is one of the best sets in the whole game. I highly recommend collecting these as early as possible. Collecting all Genji equipment will unlock the trophy Genji Equipment.
#1 – Genji Armor
Earn 100% on all DMW Images to earn the Genji Armor. When you reach 100%, you need to open the pause menu and then DMW for the Genji Armor to unlock. You can farm DMW percentages on the first mission M1-1-1. Equip purple materia that helps you land on the correct DMW Images. Equip Faerie Ring to keep healing yourself if necessary – then you can leave the game for multiple hours. Remember to complete the mission to save your progress.
#2 – Genji Glove
This is probably the easiest piece of equipment to find. It can be found in a chest in a path to the left near the start of M.9-6-4.
#3 – Genji Shield
This is the trickiest piece to get. You need to encounter a Magic Pot in M.7-6-6 – keep running around the mission until you encounter one. You have to use the attacks it requests. There will be a small piece of text above it´s head.
The required materia are Gil Toss, which can be found in multiple missions. Then there´s Costly punch (get it by fusing Goblin Punch (or any “Punch” materia) with purple materia from the QMC+ shop (DMW materia). The 3rd attack the Magic Pot reuquests are any attack, as long as it deal 99,999 dmg (which is easiest done with Costly Punch from behind the enemy – if your stats are low). The last and trickiest attack is Octaslash. Here you´ll need to equip som Octaslash materia to increase your DMW chances of landing on the Sephiroth (activating Octaslash). If you don´t get the Octaslash attack, or fail some of the other requests – pause the game, forfeit the fight and retry. It does require a bit of luck to land on 3x Sephiroth with the DMW.
If you keep having trouble with the Octaslash attack, you can complete some other encounters and get your DMW up to “heavenly” status – this increases your chances of landing on 3 identical images on the DMW. Cissnei´s Lucky Stars have a chance to instantly put you in the “heavenly” state.
#4 – Genji Helm
This last piece is pretty simple to get. First you need to unlock the shop where you can buy the Genji Helm. It´s unlocked by completing M.9-5-4. The Genji Helm costs 1.000.000 to purchase. Sell all the equipment you don´t use to get enough Gil – you should have more than enough when you´re done selling or/and have completed all missions.
Related Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion Guides: 15:12:182023-01-10 15:44:46Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion – How To Get All Genji Equipment
Welcome to my Minerva boss guide. Minerva is the secret boss in mission 9-6-6: The Reigning Deity. This boss might seem difficult at first, but there is a easy way to cheese the boss. There´s no need to max your stats. Defeating Minerva will grant you the Divine Slayer Accessory and the trophy Divine Rule Broken.
Before you even attempt this boss fight, complete eveverything else possible. When you have completed the other 299 missions you´ll have alot of gil and SP to fuse materia.
The Setup
You want to equip as much Genji equipment as possible. Personally I used Genji Armor, Genji Shield, Genji Glove and the Ziedrich. The Genji Armor gives you permanent Barrier/MBarrier. The Glove breaks your damage limit and gives you permanent Critical, this way you can hit 99,999 damage almost every time. The Armor gives you permanent Endure/Regen and breaks your health limit. The Ziedrich gives you +100 SPR, VIT, MAG and ATK – it´s a great substitute for the Genji Helm. If you don´t have 1,000,000 gil for the Genji Helm, collect the Ziedrich from M.9-5-6. It can be found in a chest at the end of an optional path.
When it comes to materia, there´s actually only two you want to equip – Costly Punch and Mug. Feel free to equip other Materia you want to use. I will recommend Dualcast and Curaga, if you want to heal yourself during the fight. You can also use X-potions or Elixirs to heal (which I did). Besides equipping Costly Punch and Mug, you need to upgrade your materia until you have 99,999 health and as close to 255 SPR and 255 ATK (max stats).
Fuse your equipped materia with materia or items that give you the desired result. For example, fuse your Curaga with a bunch of Fat Chocobo Feathers to raise your HP%. Fuse materia with Mythril to increase your SPR stat, and with Adamantite to increase your VIT stat. When you have completed every other mission, you´ll have alot of SP and items to fuse with. If you need more SP, simply convert materia you don´t use to get more. If you need more gil, go to any shop and sell whatever accessories you won´t need or use.
Your main source of damage for the fight towards Minerva is Costly Punch. Using the Materia decreases your health, but it doesn´t really matter. You can make Costly Punch materia by fusing Hammer, Magical or Goblin Punch with any DMW materia. The next materia you´ll NEED is the Mug materia – you earn it for completing some of the missions. But if you lost it by fusing it or by other means, you can fuse Steal with any materia that results in Mug.
Mug Vit +30
Drainga HP +500%
Moogle Power Vit +30
Drainga HP +810%
Costly Punch SPR +80
Curaga HP +700%
Genji Shield
Genji Glove
Genji Armor
As soon as the fight starts, use Mug to steal 99 Phoenix Down from Minerva. Use a Phoenix Down to get Raise – whenever you take a lethal blow, you will get resurrected. Now you´re pretty much immortal for the whole fight. Whenever you go down, spam a new Phoenix Down as soon as you get up. Keep hitting Minerva with Costly Punch to hopefully crit 99,999 damage everytime. Even with low stats or low damage output and you being insta-killed by attacks that deal 99,999 damage, you´ll have more than enough Phoenix Down to get through the fight. The last thing you need to know is, when Minerva casts Judgement Arrow, it removes your Raise – simply use another Phoenix Down to gain Raise again.
Keep hitting Minerva with Costly Punch, and abuse Phoenix Down until you have defeated her.
Related Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion Guides: 12:36:012023-01-10 15:45:20Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion Minerva Boss Guide
Welcome to my Plague Tale Requiem all collectible locations guide. This guide shows you all 104 collectibles in chronological order. Everything can be collected in the first playthrough.
Collectibles by type:
21 Souvenirs
12 Hugo’s Herbariums (7 Feathers, 5 Flowers)
10 Secret Chests
16 Knives (needed to open Secret Chests)
24 Tool Chests (needed to craft Upgrades)
4 Chapter-specific Trophies
16 Old Protector Items (counts as 1 trophy in the guide)
1 Secret Armor
Souvenirs are conversations that you can trigger with a button press. Some souvenirs becomes available when you´ve performed certain actions. Then we have the feathers and flowers, they are simply picked up from the ground. The tool chests are simply opened. They content tools you can use to upgrade your gear. Then we have a few chapter-specific trophies which are included in the video guide below.
The secret chests can be an issue. You need a knife to open them. Opening the secret chests destroys the knife you have equipped. That´s why you need to save them for the secret chests, The number of knives in the game depends on the difficulty level. That´s why I recommend playing on Narrative difficulty in your first playthrough (the difficulty with most knife spawns).
NOTE: It´s important that you save knives for opening the Secret Chests. Don´t use them on enemies.
Finding all collectible locations unlocks the following 4 trophies: 11:04:192023-01-10 15:46:09Plague Tale Requiem All Collectibles Guide
If you have played previous Call of Duty games on Veteran, this shouldn´t be a problem. Alot of the sequences in the game is about stealth or involves set pieces. There are only a few areas that can be a bit troublesome.
Whenever you suffer damage – take cover! Stay in cover until your health has fully recovered. Always play it safe and don´t take chances. Pick the enemies off one by one and take it slow. Luckily checkpoints are plentiful. Use the riot shields whenever they are available – this is by far the best weapon on Veteran difficulty. You can run up to every enemy and melee them. This is especially useful during mission 14: Prison Break and mission 17: Countdown. You can complete the campaign in about 6 hours, even on Veteran.
When you start the game and continue your Veteran run, pause the game and make sure that you are on Veteran difficulty. Some players have reported that the game switch you back to Regular difficulty, when you continue your campaign. 17:55:362023-01-10 15:47:00Call of Duty Modern Warfare II Veteran Difficulty Walkthrough
Ratchet & Clank HD Gold Bolts and Skill Points Guide
Welcome to the amazing universe of Ratchet & Clank. There is a total of 40 Gold Bolts to collect and 30 Skill Poitns to earn. Below you will find a video of each planet along with a text description. I hope you´ll have fun enjoying this timeless classic.
Novalis – 3 Gold Bolts & 1 Skill Point
SKILL POINT #1: Take Aim – Destroy a fighter or bomber.
Devastator is required. You can see them above you when standing at your ship. They are moving pretty fast and are difficult to hit, so be patient. I recommend using the Devastator or maybe Visibomb? So fly back to this planet when you have the weapon.
From your ship, go into the cavern with all the water. Jump up all the rocks until you get into a room with some Peckbots, there will be some steps, right by these steps there will two walls close enough for you to wall jump. At the top you will find your first Gold Bolt.
Near your ship and the water cavern, there will be another path that leads to a Bolt you have to turn to open a door. Follow this path into the cavern, where there will be some pools. After a short swim, you will be in a room with three pools, and a locked a door at the end. Locate a week wall at the left side of the door and destroy it with an explosive weapon. The Bolt will be in the newly opened room.
Hydropack required. This is when you are following the main path (the path where you get the Info-bot that gives you access to the next level). Continue, and you will get to some water that runs under the bridge, use the Hydropack to swim against the stream and into a tunnel. Follow this tunnel and defeat the enemies on the way and you will find your last Gold Bolt for this level at the end.
Kerwan – 3 Gold Bolts & 3 Skill Points
When you get to the Gadgetron vendor, jump over the railing to and land on a ledge below. You will be in a tunnel where some ships will be flying through. The Gold Bolt will be in the middle of the tunnel.
SKILL POINT #1: Strike a Pose – Stand between the legs of Al’s Roboshack statue.
You need to purchase the Heli-pack from Al to progress. The statue that you need stand on is on top of his shack. After purchasing the Heli-pack go through the door, follow the short Heli-pack tutorial you will get to a lift, and after this you have to glide to a platform, kill some few enemies and up a 2nd lift. From here (after killing the enemies at the top) turn left and stand on the other side of the railing. From here you can see Al’s Roboshack, glide down there and land on the roof, and stand between the statues legs.
This is after you go up some stairs that moves up. There will be some luggage to you right, this is near the train. Jump on the luggage, and all the way down to the end. You will see the Gold Bolt in front of you. It’s really easy to see.
SKILL POINT #2: Qwarktastic – Destroy the Qwark robot.
Devastator or Visibomb Gun is required. From your ship go to your left, and you will come across a robot looking like Captain Qwark. He stands at the big obstacle course. Use an powerful explosive weapon to destroy the robot.
This is at the Qwark obstacle course. When you get to the highest point, looking at the wire you have to slide down on, turn 180 and look to your right. Try spot a big building with a lot of crates. Glide down to the building and the Gold Bolt will be inside.
SKILL POINT #3: Blimpy – Destroy a blimp.
Devastator is required. This blimp flies around the city, just look in the air and try to spot it, it’s pretty easy to find. Shoot one down with the Visibomb or Devastator.
Aridia – 4 Gold Bolts & 2 Skill Points
Ratchet & Clank HD All Gold Bolts & Skill Points Aridia
SKILL POINT #1: Transported – Destroy three flying Transports.
You can see them in the sky when standing at your ship. Use the Blaster if you want it early (its only close range, takes longer) or use the Devastator to destroy these with lock-on. Use 1st person view to aim at them.
SKILL POINT #2: Swing it! – Swing all six targets without touching the ground.
This is when you are progressing normally (following the left path that requires the Swingshot). You will get to a room with six versa-targets. This is really easy, use the Swingshot to the first target then quickly turn your body () towards the next target and attach to it with . Keep doing it to you get to the top. Look around the area first to you know the locations.
After you used the Swingshot to get the Trespasser. When you look down, you’ll see a fan moving counter clockwise, jump down on it (it’s moving slow). The Gold Bolt is on the middle of the fan.
This is from Skids’ Agent, backtrack a little bit, there’s a big puddle of mud between you and the piece of land. Jump to the top of a wall with +. From this piece of wall you can jump to the land, from here you should see a truck. The Gold Bolt is on the truck.
(Magnetboots required) From Skid’s Agent, walk up the magnet panels to the left and grab the Gold Bolt in the building.
This is when have to defeated all the enemies for Skid. There will be a metal grid that you can look through, on the other side is the Gold Bolt. From the grid go left and look for a weak wall, destroy the wall with an explosive weapon and grab the Bolt.
Eudora – 1 Gold Bolt & 1 Skill Point
This is near your ship. Go to the right path, there will be two “steps”, turn around and look up, there should be a ledge. The Gold Bolt will be on this ledge. Use + with the Heli-pack to get to it.
SKILL POINT #1: Any ten – Destroy any ten vehicles.
There are some ships flying around in the sky, destroy 10 for the Skill Point. Use Blaster, Devastator or Visibomb as usual.
Nebula G34– 2 Gold Bolts & 1 Skill Point
This is in the big circular room with all the frog mutants. Use the Heli-pack boost jump (R1+X) to an upper ledge to your right, locate the “cage” with an open door, inside lays the first Gold Bolt.
SKILL POINT #1: Girl Trouble – Kill the Alien Queen using only using the Wrench.
This is really easy! She has two attacks, a straight attack where she tries to bite you, and then she can summon smaller enemies. When she tries to bite, go to one of her sides and do a 1-2-3 whack with the Wrench. She turns around and tries to bite you, walk to her site and repeat. She will summon some “friends” two times during the fight. Use the Wrench throw to kill these. After they are dead, she will start biting again.
O2 mask required. This is where you were playing Clank on the first visit. You will follow a small green path. Then you will be in a ship with 1 enemy. From here is the other ship with all the blue boxes.Jump onto the ledge on the ship, it’s to the right. Around here is the Gold Bolt.
Rilgar/Blackwater City – 2 Gold Bolts & 3 Skill Points
This is at the force fields. Go to the platform that get pushed up by steam, from this platform, jump to the “walls” of the force fields, follow these until you get to the back right corner, jump down here to get the Gold Bolt.
SKILL POINT #1: Tricky – Do a “Twisty McMarx” in a hoverboard race.
To do a Twisty McMarx – Press , , and . You need to do a roll holding each button in one jump. At some point during a race you will come to a big red ramp, the ramp is located right after some slime monsters (green looking ones).
SKILL POINT #2: Speedy – Beat hoverboard challenge in 1.35 seconds or less.
This is the hardest Skill Point in the game if you ask me, you need hit almost every boost pad, and remember to cut the turns by jumping. Also do a lot of tricks whilst airborne, this will net you some boost that you manually can trigger by pressing . This will take some tries! You will also get a Gold trophy for achieving this SP.
SKILL POINT #3: Cluck, cluck – Turn a Tank into a chicken.
O2 mask & Morph-o-ray is required. You need the Morph-o-Ray for this. The Tanks shoots out green toxic gas. Turn it into a chicken for the Skill Point. Remember to equip the O2 oxygen mask, then the gas won’t hurt you.
O2 mask required. This is in the area where you had to run from the rising water. When you return to this area it will still be flooded. Swim through the area until you have to go up to your left, go to your right and down into a tunnel. Follow the tunnel to get your Gold Bolt at the end.
Umbris – 2 Gold Bolts & 0 Skill Points
The first Bolt is after some versa-targets and the 2nd turret with all the fences, you will see a locked door to your right. At the side of this building, there are a ledge, jump to it. There will be 3 buttons here, step on all 3 and go back to the door and it will have opened. Go inside for your Gold Bolt.
When you have to empty basins of water, you will be going through a pipe, and then up some steps. As soon as you get out of the pipe, stick to the wall to your right, jump up the steps, and look down at the railing. You should see your last Gold Bolt at the bottom.
Batalia – 2 Gold Bolts & 3 Skill Points
This is at the beginning; there will be a door where you can use your Trespasser to open a locked door. Wall-jump here to the top of the building to get your Bolt.
This is after the first tank you come across. Go over the bridge and then to your right of the building, there will be some ledges. Go up these ledges and use + to jump to the other platforms. Follow the path and you will get to your Gold Bolt.
SKILL POINT #1: Jumper – Complete the grinding sequence without getting hit.
Look out for mines, obstacles and be sure not to fall down. There’s no easy way to tackle this, just be patient and keep trying. But its not to difficult, did it on 4th try.
SKILL POINT #2: Accuracy counts – Destroy a Fighter with the turret.
The turret is at the end of the level, you used it to destroy some bombers. Now, jump into the turret and use it to destroy a fighter that flies in the sky. I found it easiest to hold your aim at the same point where a fighter keep flying past, and wait for the fighter to fly through your sight and then fire.
SKILL POINT #3: Eat Lead – Use a Sand Mouse to destroy all tanks.
Sonic Summoner is required. A Sand Mouse is a little blue alien in a UFO. It spawns from small “antennas” in the ground. Equip your Sonic Summoner helmet in the gadgets menu. The antenna is located at the start of the level behind the building to the right. There are two ways to do this. You can go through the level first and kill everyone except the tanks, or just get the Sand Mouse from start and go through the level. Any way, you need to return and get him again, because at some point he will disappear. He has a certain amount of shots, when his shots are spent, he will disappear. Note that the tanks need to be destroyed in one life. There are 4 tanks, 2 in the “fortress”, 1 at the first bridge near start of level, and the last tank is under the bridge near the magnet panels.
Gaspar – 2 Gold Bolts & 2 Skill Points
SKILL POINT #1: Destroyed – Destroy all bombers on the planet.
There will be a path with all the bombers. The path is to the right of your ship, you will glide down to a platform and continue from there. The bombers are connected to some power sources on the platforms; destroy all of them for the Skill Point.
Following the path from above, you will see the Gold Bolt at the end to your right
SKILL POINT #2 – Gunner – Destroy five ships using turrets.
There are 2 turrets, use them to shoot down the ships. Shoot in front of them because it takes some time for the shots to hit their target.
This is where you get the Pilot Helmet. You need to go back for this when you have completed the missions. From the Helmet location look down to the right of the elevator to see a volcano opening. Glide down there and follow the path for your Gold Bolt at the end. There are a lot of enemies so be sure to have enough ammo with you.
Orxon – 2 Gold Bolt & 2 Skill Points
SKILL POINT #1: Sniper – Kill a Screamer by shooting through a pipe.
Near the beginning of the level, the road will split (it’s at a Gadget-tron vendor). Go left here and follow the path until you jump across some round platforms and then getting to a crap looking creature, right beside it is the pipe. Look through it 1st person view and shoot the Screamer (blue creature) on the other side. It’s asleep so it should be pretty easy to hit.
SKILL POINT #2: Hey, Over Here! – Lure and enemy into and electric fence.
Taunter is required. There are 1 place to get this. When chasing the info-bot, you’ll need to use the Swingshot to get over a electric fence, where there are some crabs on the other side. Drop down the ledge so the fence is between you and the enemy. Use the Taunter, and the enemies will walk into the fence.
All missions need to be completed. This is where you where clank. Walk into the tunnel and turn left, follow this path to you get to two walls that are close to each other, they will be on your left hand side. Wall-jump to the top and get you Bolt.
Visibomb Gun is required. From you ship, take the lift behind it. Then you will be in the area with all the grenades that flies down, from here you can see the Gold Bolt. You use the Visibomb to destroy the walls behind it. There are 5 walls you need to destroy. It’s hard to manoeuvre the missile through the cave, so be patient. Note that it will cost some shots, depending on skill.When you have opened the whole cave, then go to the area where you were following the Info-bot. Follow the path and you will see the entrance to the cave to your left.
Pokitaru – 1 Gold Bolt & 2 Skill Points
The Gold Bolt is at the first boat where you have to protect the green man. It’s under that piece of land, there are a tunnel you can follow. Follow this path and you will get the Bolt at the end.
SKILL POINT #1: Buried Treasure – Destroy all underwater crates.
O2 Mask & Hydro-pack recommended. The crates are located in the big area in front of your ship. Jump in the water and start swimming to the red crates, they will countdown and explode, do this to all crates. This is not difficult just a bit time consuming locating all the crates.
SKILL POINT #2: Alien Invasion – Destroy 3 ships.
Visibomb Gun required.[/b] You can’t hit the ships with any other weapon. This is really difficult to hit these ships, they are flying extremely fast, and you will be spending some Bolts on ammo, just try to shoot in front of them, to they fly into your missile.
Hoven – 2 Gold Bolts & 2 Skill Points
SKILL POINT #1: Whirlybirds – Destroy 5 helicopters.
Devastator is required.[/b] The helicopters you need to destroy are those that fly around the level, use the Devastator in 1st person mode to aim at the helicopters. Wait for a green aim icon and then fire, the missile will follow the helicopters until it hits. Repeat 5 times.
SKILL POINT #2: Pest Control – kill all Anklebiters.
This is when you are taking the path to your right from your ship, there will be some enemies spawning behind a tree, follow the trees to you get further up where some Anklebiters will get out of the ground (They are white and small). Kill all of them. Use the Tesla Claw or Suck Cannon, there are really many of them.
This is in the same area as “Pest Control”. There will be a vertical platform that goes up and down. Time a wall-jump between the vertical platform and the wall, there will be a Gold Bolt at the top.
This is when you are going towards the Hydro-pack seller. At some point you will have to take some water for some tanks and use this water to flood the area, to you can get to the top. When you have filled the entire room, swim down to where you emptied the 2nd water tank, and there you will find the Bolt on a ledge that you couldn’t reach before.
Gemlik Moonbase – 1 Gold Bolt & 1 Skill Point
You can do this before completing the level but I recommend doing it afterwards. Progressing normally in the level, you will get to a room with some platforms and an “acid river” that goes up and down, you have to time your jumps to get to the other platforms. If you look to your left, then you will see a pipe with a laser fence. The laser fence is turned off when you complete the level. The Gold Bolt is in the pipe. The other way requires the Visibomb, fire a missile towards a big round building, there will be an opening, fly the missile through and destroy the tower that powers the fence to turn it off.
SKILL POINT #1: Sitting Ducks – Destroy all cargo ships.
There are a total of 8 cargo ships. 7 are outside on buildings and such. The last one is at the end of the level, it’s in a very big room with a lot of enemies. I recommend that you use the Visibomb Gun to destroy the ships but you can do it when fighting the boss. You will be flying in a ship, use the ship to destroy the 7 cargo ships that are outside.
Oltanis – 4 Gold Bolts & 2 Skill Points
SKILL POINT #1: Blast ’em – Destroy 3 ships.
Use the Visibom Gun or the Devastator for this. There aren’t so many ships flying around, and some of them are pretty far away.
When following the path with metal panels (left path from big statue). You will get to an icy path with a ship that shoot bombs and a robot that spawns. On this path go down to your right at the end, and drop down for your Gold Bolt.
Right after the 1st Gold Bolt. You will be shimming across a ledge, you have to pull yourself up and glide down some ice to get to the shop with the guy that sells the PDA. But instead of pulling yourself up, keep shimming to the right to you see your Gold Bolt.
When following the main path, after a grindrail you will be on a platform that leads to a round platform. From this you can use your Swingshot to get up to a ledge where the Gold Bolt is.
This is after you have purchased the PDA. A bomber will fly fast and blow up a statue, there will be a button there, press it and some versa-targets will spawn. Following the versa-targets will get you to your Gold Bolt. This swing course is the hardest in the game so watch out.
SKILL POINT #2: Shattered Glass – Destroy all street lights.
This need to be done in one life. There are 8 lights around your ship, use your blaster in 1st person view to destroy these. Take the lift down, there are 4 more lights. In the “upper city path” are there 4 and when following the path of “Gold bolt 4”, you will get past the last 6 lights.
Quartu – 2 Gold Bolts & 0 Skill Points
When you are at Clanks mother, look up to see a versa-target. Use the Swingshot and go through and get your Gold Bolt.
Codebot is required. At the arena where you were giant Clank, go all the way around to where the platform that makes clank big is. There are a locked door. Use the Codebot to open the door and get your Bolt.
Kalebo III – 2 Gold Bolts & 2 Skill Points
This is on the grind rail, there are three signs you need to hit with your wrench. Hitting all 3 will turn off a laser fence further down the rail where the Gold Bolt is. The first sign is after some trains. Then there will be some rails you can jump to, a piece of rail that goes in circles. this is where two of the signs are.
This is after the grindrail. From where you go off the rail, look down and there should be a portal, use it to get in a room full of chicken and a Gold Bolt.
SKILL POINT #1: Heavy Traffic – Complete the grinding sequence without getting hit.
This can be a pain. Just learn the patterns and keep trying.
SKILL POINT #2: Magician – Get over 4500 points in a single hoverbike race.
There is a glitch to do this. At the ramp near the start where you jump over the water. Land right at the right corner to get the points for your moves and then immediately into the water. You will spawn before the ramp, keep repeating until you reach 4500 points.
Drek’s Fleet – 2 Gold Bolts & 2 Skill Points
SKILL POINT #1: Sneaky – Defeat all enemies on the sneaking sequence.
This is quite annoying if you are spotted and die, then it’s all the way back to the start. The places where the robots goes in and out of the doors, take one down at a time. Near the end, there will be two robots that goes through some doors, and a robot and some robo-dogs at the button, when the robots turn around and goes through the doors, jump over the beam and kill the robot and dogs before the other two get out and spots you. A good way to do this is putting down a lot of mines. This will not blow your cover, just keep the disguise on.
Right after the sneaking section, you walked on the celling and into a room where the Infobot was. After you have the Infobot, walk back to where you walked on the celling, this time you’re just on the ground. At the end of the path is the last Gold Bolt.
This is on the underwater path. At the end where the timer is really low, about 10-20 sec. You will be going through some rings, go through all 3 and do a 180 and swim into another pipe than the one you came from, swim up here and you will get your Gold Bolt at the top.
SKILL POINT #2: Careful Cruise – Complete the swimming sequence without taking a hit.
This is quite frustrating in my opinion. I found it easiest to hold the :ri: button down and keeping your speed and never letting it go. Try anticipating where the moving obstacles will be when you get to them. It will take some tries to do. Good luck.
Veldin – 3 Gold Bolts & 1 Skill Point
SKILL POINT #1: Going Commando – Kill 10 soldiers using your wrench.
Luckily, this doesn’t need to be done in one life. Use this combo: + to kill them. They need two of these hits to die. Just kill the first pair of soldiers and jump off a ledge and repeat.
Taunter is required. This is when you have jumped two small platforms (it’s in a cave area). You will be outside and there will be a lot of enemies. Turn around to spot an electric fence. Use the Taunter to lure the enemy other side onto a button. It will open turn off the fence and you will be able to go in and get your Gold Bolt.
When you have to swing across two versa-targets, don’t do that, turn around and spot a series of platforms. Follow these to get to your Bolt.
Later on…this is in a cave area, you need to use your Swingshot to get to a green versa-target. Looking at the versa-target turn right. There’s a platform, jump on it and glide down, then a small grind rail section and then you will be at your Gold bolt. 14:50:162023-01-10 15:50:12Ratchet & Clank HD All Skill Points & Gold Bolts Guide
Welcome to my ALL-IN-ONE Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion Guide. This guide focus on all missable collectibles/trophies throughout the game. There is a total of 134 collectibles (102 Mail, 15 Shops, 12 Flower Wagon Parts, 7 Nibelheim Wonders and 5 Fan Clubs). Besides those there are some missable missions you need to accept throughout the game, before the point-of-no-return in Chapter 7. In the bottom of this guide you´ll find a list of all collectibles.
Almost EVERY Mail is story-related, only 6 Mail Senders are missable – the Reporter and 1 from each Fan Club. Among the Shops is 1 missable – 8 Flower Wagon Parts, all Fan Clubs and all 7 Nibelheim Wonders are missable too.
NOTE: Make at least one backup save in a new slot each chapter. If you miss anything you can go back to that specific point, without having to replay the whole game.
Collectibles included in this guide:
Mail [one from each Sender]
Fan Clubs
DMW Images
Nibelheim 7 Wonders
Flower Wagon Parts
ALL Chapter-specific Trophies
Trophies earned following this guide:
Limit Break Collector – Obtained all DMW images
Mail Completionist – Received mail from all senders
Shop Completionist – Unlocked all shops
Fan Club Aficionado – Joined every fan club
Midgar Full of Flowers – Constructed every flower wagon type
There is a total of 37 missable collectibles or points to this guide. See the full list below the video. You will unlock the last collectibles while completing all 300 Missions. Following this guide you will get ALL missables in the game. When you reach Chapter 10 and have earned the last chapter-specific trophy, save at any save point and start completing all Missions.
#1 – TROPHY: Hero of the Wutai War?
#2 – TROPHY: Master Mako Stone Miner
#3 – Fan Club + Mail (Genesis Fan Club)
#4 – Fan Club + Mail (Angeal´s Fan Club)
#5 – Fan Club + Mail (LOVELESS Study Group)
#6 – M1-2-1 to M1-2-6 + Flower Wagon Part
#7a – TROPHY: Banora Treasures (unlocks later)
#8 – TROPHY: Slicin´ Soldier
#7b – TROPHY: Banora Treasures
#9 – TROPHY: First-Rate SOLDIER
#10 – M7-1-1 to M7-1-6 + Flower Wagon Part
#11 – TROPHY: Everyone´s Hero
#12a – TROPHIES: Good Match For Aerith (unlocks later) + Godlike + Master Blender
#12b – TROPHY: Good Match For Aerith
#14 – TROPHY: Precise Restoration
#15 – TROPHY: Of Significant Worth
#16 – TROPHY: Cell Raider
#17 – TROPHY: Shinra´s Squats Champion
#18 – M2.1.1
#19 – Mail (Reporter)
#20 – M2.1.2
#21 – M2.1.3
#22 – M2.1.4
#23 – M2.1.5
#24 – M2.1.6 + Flower Wagon Part
#25 – TROPHY: Wutai´s Nemesis + M4.3.1 to M4.3.6
#26 – Fan Club + Mail (Silver Elite)
#27 – TROPHY: Master Infiltrator
#28 – TROPHY: Immovable Object
#29a – Fan Club (Zack´s Fan Club) – Pre-requisite
Story-related Flower Wagon Part (Tools)
Story-related Flower Wagon Part (Old Lumber)
#30 – TROPHY: Fan Club Savior – – Story-related Flower Wagon Part (Wheels)
#29b – Fan Club (Zack´s Fan Club) + Mail + TROPHY: Fan Club Aficienado
#31 – M6.2.1
Story-related Flower Wagon Part (Instructions)
Story-related – Build first Flower Wagon with Arieth 11:34:422022-12-28 19:59:19Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion All Collectibles Guide
Before you can attempt this trophy, you need to unlock the actual T.H.R.E.A.T. Room. Complete 3 missions with Magik and upgrade the forge to research level 4. Next you want to research “New Threat” and wait a day for the task to completed. The last step is to purchase the upgrade for 175 Credits in the Yard.
I highly recommend doing this after completing the main story. You need some good cards for each Hero (preferably modded) and good Combat Items that can aid you in surviving the 3 turns.
The whole point of the T.H.R.E.A.T. Room is to survive for 3 turns, and wipe out most if not all enemies every turn. You are fighting alot of Soulless. If even 4 or 5 are left alive at the end of your turn, you´ll most likely end up dead. Whenever you defeat an enemy, you get your Card Play refunded. If it´s a yellowísh Soulless you defeat, then you draw a new card. That´s why it´s important to defeat at least 1 enemy, each Card Play you use. I highly recommend using Combat Items that give Heroism and let you draw more cards. Like Overdrive Serum (Gain Heroism equal to the cost of all Heroic cards in your hand) and Utility Belt (Draw 2 cards).
Trophy earned following this Guide – T.H.R.E.A.T. Eliminated.
Below you will find a video for each Hero. Each video include the Card Deck I use and how to survive for 3 turns.
Want to see the full trophy guide for Midnight Suns? Click here.
Click here for the full Trophy Guide for Marvel´s Midnight Suns.
There is a total of 108 Collectibles to collect in The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil In Me.
Collectibles by type:
50 Secrets
27 Photo Opportunities
13 Inventory Items
13 Premonitions
5 Business Cards
All Collectibles listed above are needed for 100% [Platinum]. Sadly enough, it´s impossible to collect everything in one playthrough. Some Collectibles are found in scenes where specific requirements needs to be met, before you unlock them.
NOTE: You can collect everything via Scene Selection and across multiple saves. All collectibles are saved to your profile.
The video below is separated in 3 steps.
Complete the game where everyone survives while collecting evertything possible [Full playthrough]
Replay from the scene “Waste Disposal” to trigger alternative scenes with new Collectibles [Partial playthrough]
New playthrough in Curator´s Cut collecting the last Collectibles[Currently only a pre-order bonus, is released later for others]
If you don´t have access to Curator´s Cut after completing the Solo Story, then you have to collect the remaining Collectibles through Shared Story. It contains new scenes with a different point-of-view. For example, during the Silver Ash scene, Player 1 plays Erin while Player 2 plays Jamie in a competely new scene. Another example, during the Spa scene you will play as Mark in Curator´s Cut/Shared Story, instead of playing Jamie like in Solo Story.
The video covers all the steps and choices, to get you all Collectibles in the shortest time possible. Timestamps can be found in the YouTube description. 18:55:482023-01-10 15:51:51The Devil In Me: All Collectibles Guide
There is a total of 20 Challenges you need to complete achieving a Diamond Rank. Before attempting these Challenges, you need to find them all throughout the story. Click here for all collectible locations.
You need to have as many upgrades as possible – especially upgrades for Lute, they can be a lifesaver. The upgrades that increase Unity makes this a lot easier. You could attempt this trophy after completing the main game once or twice.
There are 2 challenges that are a bit different than the others. Challenge VI: Tidy and Challenge VIII: Claustrophobic 1. You need to reset some upgrades for Lute before doing these. Follow the timestamps in the video – I show you which upgrades you need to reset before challenge start.
After doing a short combo, switch weapons and repeat – this raises your Unity, and you need it as high as possible, and if you counter fast enough with O, then you get a perfect counter + more points. Perform Unity attacks as when they become available, to get your Rapture ability as fast as possible – It´s essential in some of the big challenges with many enemies on screen.
Trophies earned through Challenges:
The touch of Chaos – Discover the first Challenge
Settle this once and for all – Complete all Challenges
I´ve been waiting for this – Complete all Challenges obtaining Diamond
1. Challenge I – Slayer I
2. Challenge II – Defensive
3. Challenge III – Untouchable I
4. Challenge IV – Timely
5. Challenge V – Synergic
6: Challenge VI – Tidy
7. Challenge VII – Exorcist
8. Challenge VIII – Claustrophobic I
9. Challenge IX – Spectral
10. Challenge X – Cautious
11. Challenge XI – Flying
12. Challenge XII – Untouchable II
13. Challenge XIII – Poisoned
14. Challenge XIV – Survivor
15. Challenge XV – Bloodthirsty
16. Challenge XVI – Aerial
17. Challenge XVII – Rapturous
18. Challenge XVIII – Claustrophobic II
19. Challenge XIX – Quick
20. Challenge XX – Slayer II 07:39:322023-01-10 15:52:30Soulstice – All Challenges Guide [DIAMOND RANK]
There is a total of 38 collectibles to find throughout the game. You need to find all 18 Shards (located in story mode), they are either blue (Entropy upgrade) or green (Health upgrade). Next you need to find all 20 Challenges which look like portals. Most collectibles are hidden along the main path, often you need to run against the camera to find a collectible.
Collectibles by type
20 Challenges
9 Health upgrade shard
9 Entropy upgrade shard
You need to pick up the shards (by walking over them) and trigger the next checkpoint to save the collectible – then you can leave the level safely. The Challenges are saved when you activate the portals. There are 2 trophies tied to collecting the shards/upgrades:
It’s only pain – Upgrade Health to max level
I know how to handle it – Upgrade Entropy to max level
The rest of the shards are earned by completing the 20 Challenges. Click here for the Challenges Guide.
Chapter 1:
Challenge 1
Health upgrade #1
Chapter 2:
Challenge 2
Entrophy upgrade #1
Challenge 3
Chapter 3:
Challenge 4
Health upgrade #2
Chapter 4:
Entropy upgrade #2
Challenge 5
Health upgrade #3
Chapter 6:
Challenge 6
Entropy upgrade #3
Chapter 7:
Health upgrade #4
Challenge 7
Challenge 8
Chapter 9:
Entropy upgrade #4
Challenge 9
Chapter 10:
Entropy upgrade #5
Challenge 10
Health upgrade #5
Chapter 12:
Health upgrade #6
Challenge 11
Chapter 13:
Health upgrade #7
Challenge 12
Chapter 14:
Challenge 13
Entropy upgrade #6
Chapter 15:
Entropy upgrade #7
Challenge 14
Challenge 15
Chapter 17:
Challenge 16
Challenge 17
Health upgrade #8
Chapter 18:
Health upgrade #9
Entropy upgrade #8
Challenge 18
Challenge 19
Chapter 23:
Entropy upgrade #9
Challenge 20
Remaining upgrades are earned in Challenges 07:25:542023-01-10 15:52:43Soulstice – All Collectibles Guide [Challenges, Health & Entropy Upgrades]