Horizon Call of the Mountain Trophy Guide & Roadmap

Welcome to my Horizon Call of the Mountain Trophy Guide & Roadmap and the wonderful world of PSVR 2.
This game will without a doubt, shock and awe you in every way. Prepare for the world’s best VR climbing simulator and neck workout. This might be a quick and mostly pain-free Platinum, but I highly recommend that you keep your play sessions between 30 to 60 minutes. You look up most of the time and reach out for different cliffs and handholds 70% of the time, which can really sprain your neck during longer sessions.
Play with care and your health in mind.
Horizon Call of the Mountain is a action-adventure video game developed by Guerrilla Games and Firesprite. As a spin-off of the Horizon series, the game was released by publisher Sony Interactive Entertainment in February 2023 as a launch title for the PlayStation VR2 virtual reality headset.
The game is played from a first-person perspective. Described as “a master at climbing and archery”, Ryas, the game’s protagonist, is equipped with a hunter bow which can be used to defeat various robotic creatures in the game. While the game is largely linear, there are multiple paths for players to explore and approach their objectives. As the player progresses in the game, they will unlock additional tools and gears, allowing players to be more efficient in both exploration and combat. In addition to the main story, the game also features a scenic mode named “River Ride”, a guided tour of the game’s landscape.
The game’s story follows Ryas, a former Shadow Carja rebel who is sentenced to atone for his crimes by joining an expedition sent to investigate a new threat to the Sundom. During his journey, Ryas will meet numerous new and returning characters, including franchise protagonist Aloy.
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 4/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 7-9 Hours
- Offline Trophies: 36 (1
, 4
, 11
, 20
- Online Trophies: 0
- Hardest Trophies:
Top of the Class
- Number of missable trophies: 19 (You will get most trophies naturally, just follow the roadmap for specifics)
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1 + Replay a single mission
- PS4/PS5 Crossbuy: No – PS5 Exclusive
- Free-Roam / Chapter Select after Story?: Yes – you can replay missions after completing the main story.
- Release Date: February 22, 2023
STEP 1: Complete the Main Story, Collect most Collectibles & Earn All Missable Trophies (6-8 Hours)
Complete all 12 missions in the game while following the 100% Collectible Guide + make sure that you get the mission specific trophies listed below. Most of the missable trophies involves Collectibles, Gear or completing a certain action. Most of the missable trophies can be completed later during replay if neccessary, and it will only take a couple of minutes because of the missions length.
Mission Specific Trophies:
- Mission 1: Brightdawn –
Defeated a Grazer
- Mission 5: Talonreach Ascent or Mission 10: Devil’s Anger –
Disc Shot!
- Mission 6: Mother’s Tears –
Lights Out &
Carja in Shadow
Besides the listed trophies, play the game and enjoy it, most trophies will come naturally – for example damaging a machine with a Blaze Barrel or Ballista, crafting an Elemental Arrow, etc.
The only reason that you collect most Colelctibles and not all are because of Mission 2: Pilgrim’s Trail. Near the beginning of the mission there’s a split path – both of those paths lead to different Collectibles. During step 2 of the Roadmap, you need to replay the mission to pick the opposite path and collect the last Collectibles.
Trophies Earned:
Defeated a Thunderjaw
Defeated a Stormbird
Defeated a Fireclaw
Defeated a Bellowback
Defeated a Shellwalker
Defeated a Scrapper Pack
Defeated a Glinthawk Flight
Defeated a Grazer
A Rock to the Head
The Sunspear
A New Threat
The Metal Devil
Asera’s Fall
Crafted Pickaxes
Fully Equipped
Mastered the Elements
Fully Armed
Warning Beacon
Master Climber
Legendary Climber
Cairn Builder
Master Cairn Builder
In your Element
Lights Out
Heavy Hitter
Carja in Shadow
Disc Shot!
Clean Run
STEP 2: Replay Pilgrim’s Trail for Collectibles and Complete the two Challenges + Machine Safari
You should only need 2 Collectibles (Lore) and 5 Warning Beacons by now. The 5 Beacons and 1 Collectible (Lore) are located down the right path in Mission 2: Pilgrim’s Trail, and the last Collectible (Lore) is located in Dawn’s Grasp (Hub area).
After your replay, go to the Challenge Hub in Dawn’s Grasp, collect the last piece of Lore and beat the highscore on both the Archery Range and Assault Course.
Finally, go on a Machine Safari for yout last trophy (can be accessed from the Collectible Room in Dawn¨s Grasp or from the main menu).
Trophies Earned:
Trophy Guide

Defeated a Thunderjaw
Defeated the Thunderjaw at the top of Talonreach

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Unlocked in Mission 5: Talonreach Ascent.

Defeated a Stormbird
Defeated the Stormbird at the top of Devil’s Anger

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Unlocked in Mission 9: Devil’s Anger Ascent.

Defeated a Fireclaw
Defeated the Fireclaw in Day’s End

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Unlocked in Mission 12: Day’s End.

Defeated a Bellowback
Defeated a Bellowback

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Unlocked in Mission 6: Mother’s Tears.

Defeated a Shellwalker
Defeated a Shellwalker

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Unlocked in Mission 7: Elder’s Calling.

Defeated a Scrapper Pack
Defeated a Scrapper Pack

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Unlocked in Mission 3: Upper Slopes of Brightdawn.

Defeated a Glinthawk Flight
Defeated a Glinthawk Flight

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Unlocked in Mission 2: Pilgrim’s Trail at the earliest.

Defeated a Grazer
Defeated a Grazer

Right after you get your bow in Brightdawn (1st mission), look down to your right to locate some Grazers. Defeat one of them to unlock the trophy. You can restart the last checkpoint if you miss your shots and they get away.

A Rock to the Head
Climbed Brightdawn to the view of Dawn’s Grasp

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Unlocked by completing Mission 1: Brightdawn.

The Sunspear
Completed the Pilgrims’ Trail to the top of the Sunspear

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Unlocked by completing Mission 4: The Sunspear.

A New Threat
Discovered the Powerful Machine Lure at the top of Talonreach

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Unlocked by completing Mission 5: Talonreach Ascent.

The Metal Devil
Repaired the Transmitter Box to Ascend to the Metal Devil on Devil’s Anger

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Unlocked by completing Mission 8: Talonreach Tower.

Asera’s Fall
Stopped Asera from reaching Meridian on her Tallneck

.Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Unlocked by completing Mission 10: Devil’s Anger.

Crafted Pickaxes
Crafted your Pickaxes

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.

Fully Equipped
Crafted and Collected all of the Tools

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. You craft all 4 Tools as part of the story.

Mastered the Elements
Crafted Elemental Ammo

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. The game will put you through a tutorial as soon as you pick up some crafting materials.

Fully Armed
Collected all of the Weapon and Ammo types

You collect the Bow and Blast Sling as part of the story. Then there’s 3 Bomb types and 5 Arrow Types. They should unlock naturally when you loot different areas. The ammo types for the Bow are unlocked when you collect the crafting materials.For the blast Sling you just need to collect one of each bomb type.
Ammo types for the Bow:
- Normal Arrows
- Fire Arrows
- Shock Arrows
- Tearblast Arrows
- Precision Arrows
Ammo types for the Blast Sling:
- Stones
- Fire Bomb
- Freeze Bomb
The trophy can unlock near the start of Devil’s Anger Ascent. Throughout the mission you’ll find arrowheads for the Precision Arrow which is most likely your final Ammo type.

Warning Beacon
Shot a Warning Beacon

See Full Alert.

Shot all of the Warning Beacons in a Mission

See Full Alert.

Full Alert
Shot all Warning Beacons in Horizon Call of the Mountain

> Horizon Call of the Mountain All Warning Beacons, Collectibles, Cairns & Legendary Climbs

Master Climber
Completed a Legendary Climbs

See Legendary Climber.

Legendary Climber
Completed all Legendary Climbs

> Horizon Call of the Mountain All Warning Beacons, Collectibles, Cairns & Legendary Climbs

Found a Lore Collectibles in Horizon Call of the Mountain

See Scholar.

Found all Lore Collectibles in Horizon Call of the Mountain

> Horizon Call of the Mountain All Collectibles (Lore) or
> Horizon Call of the Mountain All Warning Beacons, Collectibles, Cairns & Legendary Climbs

Cairn Builder
Constructed a Cairn

See Master Cairn Builder.

Master Cairn Builder
Constructed all of the Cairns in Horizon Call of the Mountain

> Horizon Call of the Mountain All Warning Beacons, Collectibles, Cairns & Legendary Climbs

In Your Element
Triggered an Elemental Explosion by Destroying a Machine’s Canister

This will most likely unlock by just playing the game. The best way to take down enemies are by hitting their weakpoints, which often triggers different Elemental Explosions. The blast don’t need to defeat the enemy, simply triggering the blast is enough.

Lights Out
Shoot a Watcher in the eye before it spots you

There are two missions that contain stealth sections – Pilgrim’s Trail and Mother’s Tears. I recommend that you do it on Mother’s Tears since it’s a bit easier. Physically crouch don’t in the tall grass to avoiud getting spotted. Move in close for an easier shot.
Restart checkpoint if you get spotted or miss, or replay one of the missions after completing the main story if you miss the trophy completely.

Heavy Hitter
Used the Ballista or Blaze Barrels to Damage a Machine

This will most likely come naturally. When you fight Bellowbacks and Thunderjaws throughout the game, the combat arenas will contain Blaze Barrels (and in Talonreach Ascent – a Ballista). Shoot the barrels when a machine is close to them to trigger the trophy. There’s at least 4 sections in the game where you can earn this trophy.

Carja in Shadow
Got through a Watcher Stealth Area Undetected

There are two missions that contain stealth sections – Pilgrim’s Trail and Mother’s Tears. I recommend that you do it on Mother’s Tears since it’s a bit easier. You have to complete a stealth section without the Watcher’s eyes turning red – it can be a bit buggy, but in a good way. I got the trophy even though I got spotted in the end of a stealth section.
Restart checkpoint if you get spotted just to be sure, or replay one of the missions after completing the main story if you miss the trophy completely.

Disc Shot!
Shot a Thunderjaw Disc out of the Air

This trophy can only be obtained in two missions – Talonreach Ascent and Devil’s Anger. Shoot out one of the Thunderjaw Discs out of the air to unlock the trophy. The Discs can be recognized as the flying objects aiming at you with a colored laser.
If you miss the trophy on your first playthrough, replay one of the missions after completing the story.

Clean Run
Completed a Mission without Dying

This will most likely be one of your first trophies. The 1st mission Brightdawn is the easiest and shortest mission in the whole game. Complete the mission without falling down a cliff and survive the one and only enemy encounter.
You can replay the mission (or any other mission) after completing the main story.

Top of the Class
Achieved the highest score at the Dawn’s Grasp Assault Course

Access the Challenge Hub from the main menu or from the tower in Dawn’s Grasp.
This is bý far the hardest trophy in the game. You have to be super fast and fly up most grips and ropes – swing your hands down while releasing the trigger to gain momentum and extra height.
Remember to change you Grip Reaching distance to 2.0x in the accessibility menu. You can also play around with the different controls. Teleporting and selecting Tools in different ways will save you some seconds.

On Target
Achieved the highest score at the Dawn’s Grasp Archery Range

Access the Challenge Hub from the main menu or from the tower in Dawn’s Grasp.
The key to beating the highscore is obviously speed but also hitting every yellow target – it’s located far back and center in front of the waterfall. If you miss to many shots or you’re to slow, turn around and pull the handle back and forth to reset the challenge.

Machine Safari
Embarked on a Machine Safari

You can access the Machine Safari in two ways:
- Select “Machine Safari” from the main menu
- Pick up the Toy Boat in the Collectible Room at Dawn’s Grasp (Hub area)
The trophy unlocks as soon as the Machine Safari starts.
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