The Last of Us 2 Remastered: No Return DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap

STEP 1: Win a Run with each of the 10 Characters (5-7 Hours)
Welcome to The Last of Us Part 2 No Return mode. For this step you’ll complete a full run of 6 encounters each, including a boss fight at the end, for all 10 available characters. You start with Ellie and will unlock a new character each time you play as the next character in line. I recommend that you win a full run with Ellie before you go on to Jesse, then Dina and so on.
You can play on Very Light to make the experience more bearable. It’s also possible to back up your save to the PS Cloud in between encounters. Note that Boss Fights that include infected can insta-kill you if they get to close.
During this step, keep an eye on challenges and try to clear as many of them as possible, while completing a run with each character.
I recommend that you write down which Mods you have played throughout your runs – it will make step 2 a lot shorter. Game Mods are listed during each encounter and you unlock new ones as you play. All 26 Mods needs to be played in order to unlock Modded.
STEP 2. Clean up Challenges via Custom Run (1-3 Hours)
Now is the time to complete remaining challenges AND play with each possible game mod. You might have noticed different buffs and debuffs appearing throughout your runs. There is a total of 26 game mods in the game. Luckily you can go to Custom Run > Mods. Here you can enable or disable what mods you have experienced or not.
One of the challenges you’ll have left at this point will most likely the last of Yara’s challenges. You need to defeat three Seraphite Brutes. During your Custom Runs, disable all other bosses than the Seraphite Elite – this boss encounter include one Brute enemy each time.
STEP 3: Daily Run on Grounded Difficulty (1-2 Hours)
This will by far be the hardest trophy for 100%. You can only try the Daily Run once per day. But luckily there’s a workaround – see May Your Death Be Swift.
What makes this trophy extra difficult, is that the game decides which character you use on that specific day, along with enemy types, difficult Mods and which boss you fight.
Luckily, you can turn on all combat accessibility options without voiding the trophy. There are a few options that will help you out tremendously. The first option is unlimited invisibility while prone. This is especially useful for Hunted encounters, you can go prone and crawl around until the timer runs out. If you ever get spotted, you have to break line of sight (or defeat the specific enemy that spotted you), and go prone again – you will see and little circular icon indicating when you’re invisible in the lower right corner. Note that aiming your weapon will make you visible to all enemies.
Next essential option is slow motion while aiming. This is pretty self-explanatory. It will be easier to pull off headshot and evade enemies. You can put the option to toggle slow motion, though I personally think that slow motion while aiming is easier to control during hectic situations.
If the daily run proves to difficult, wait until the next day and hope that the encounters and boss fight have become easier than the day before.
Trophy Guide
This can only be earned during an Assault encounter.
In this encounter you play against three waves of enemies. This trophy can be easier the further you get into the run as you unlock more weapons, Weapons includes all firearms, throwables (including trap mines) and melee weapons.
Whenever enemies drop melee weapons, pick it up and defeat at least one enemy with it. Each weapon type counts as a different weapon e.g. axe, machete, baseball bat, hammer, piece of wood, etc).
This can only be earned during an Hunted encounter.
This is best done on Very Light difficult and during one of the later encounters during a run – enemies will spawn more frequently. Simply unload all stocked up throwables and ammo on enemies – obviously don’t play stealthily.
This can only be earned during an Holdout encounter.
Holdout is a encounter where you defend a friendly NPC against wave of enemies. Always stay close to the NPC and guard them. Try to predict where enemies will come from and place trap mines in their paths (they will spawn as pickups during this mode).
To make this trophy a bit easier, play on Very Light on a Custom Run with only Holdout enabled under Mechanics. The very first encounter will have the least amount of enemies.
This can only be earned during an Capture encounter.
This is best done in a Custom Run. Go to Mechanics and enable only the Capture mode.
During Capture, you need to sneak past all enemies and open the safe without being spotted or killing anyone. I recommend playing on Very Light difficulty which lowers the enemies awareness and reaction time to your movements.
You need to be patient and wait for enemies to leave the area around the safe. You can also lure the enemies closest to the safe away with a brick or bottle. Sometimes the enemies just won’t move, and then you need to take a chance and quickly open the safe before they spot you.
Start a new Custom Run if you fail. The further you get into a run, the more enemies there’ll be in each encounter.
First, you must unlock all characters. This is done by playing a few encounters with each character to unlock the next one. Here are all characters and how to unlock them:
- Ellie (available from the start)
- Dina (complete 2 Encounters with Ellie)
- Jesse (complete 3 Encounters with Dina)
- Tommy (complete 3 Encounters with Jesse)
- Joel (complete 4 Encounters with Tommy)
- Abby (available from the start)
- Lev (complete 2 Encounters with Abby)
- Yara (complete 3 Encounters with Lev)
- Mel (complete 3 Encounters with Yara)
- Manny (complete 4 Encounters with Mel)
Complete a run with each character to unlock the trophy. You can play on Very Light to make the experience more bearable. It’s also possible to back up your save to the PS Cloud in between encounters. Note that Boss Fights that include infected can insta-kill you if they get to close.
Before you can try out each Mod, you need to unlock them first by completing 12 encounters with Mods. This will come naturally as you win a complete run with each character.
All 26 Mods Checklist (sorted alphabetically):
- Crafting Gives Bonus Parts
- Decreased Enemy Health
- Distractions Attract Enemies
- Enemies Drop Bombs on Death
- Increased Enemy Health
- Increased Enemy Speed
- Invisible Enemies
- Long Guns Locked
- Long Shot Damage Bonus
- Low Health Damage Bonus
- Melee Attacks Set Enemies On Fire
- Melee Kills Restore Health
- Mirror Mode
- Molotov Rain
- Mystery Encounter
- Photo Mode Filters
- Pustule Rain
- Reloading Discards Ammo Left
- Stealth Kills Boost Movement Speed
- Stuns Restore Melee Durability
- Temporarily Unlock All Recipes
- Thick Fog
- Time Limit
- Time Slows on Headshots
- Tripwire Traps
- Vaulting Boosts Movement Speed
Potential Glitch & Fix: Some players are reporting their trophy counter gets stuck at 25/26 despite having done all Mods. A potential fix for this is to complete a mystery encounter (it’s a specific Mod) that also has various other Mods. This can quickly be done in a new Custom Run, activate only the mystery Mod and complete an encounter and it should unlock the trophy.
Gambits appear in the top left corner during encounters. Gambits can include getting one headshot or just one melee kill during an encounter.
Note that you need to complete five in ONE complete run. Keep an eye on the upper-left corner and complete the gambits rather sooner than later during an encounter.
This will come naturally when you go for a win with every character. Completing a run and defeating the boss at the end, will unlock the next boss in line for the next run, which means that completing six regular runs with whatever characters you want, will give you this trophy at the end.
List of all 6 bosses:
- Arcade Bloater
- Theater Infestation
- Rattler Captain
- Garage Bloater
- Seraphite Elite
- Rat King
Ellie faction challenge tracks includes challenges for Ellie, Dina, Jesse, Tommy and Joel. Below you’ll find each of their challenges and how to complete them.
Note that most challenges can be completed by any character. If the challenge doesn’t say, for example: “as Ellie” – then you can do it with any other character. The challenges save after you leave to main menu or your run ends (even by winning or dying, it doesn’t matter).
- Complete 2 encounters with Ellie
- Upgrade all Perseverance skills as Ellie – Perseverance is Ellie’s starting skill tree. Press Touchpad > R1 to view the skills. You must buy all 3 skills in her Perseverance skill tree. Play through encounters to get enough Supplements in one run.
- Kill 4 enemies with Molotovs in one encounter – go into an encounter with 3 Molotovs. Throw them at enemies, ideally 2 close together and then another 2 single enemies. You can also craft Molotovs during encounters as Ellie, she has this ability from the start. Alternatively, can be done with other characters if you buy the Moltov Crafting Recipes from the weapons locker in safe room.
- Collect every gun in one run as Ellie – for this you must buy every gun IN ONE RUN from the safehouse between encounters as Ellie. You don’t need to collect any melee weapons or craftables (no craftable recipes, special ammo, or throwables/explosvies). In total you must get 6 weapons as Ellie: Semi-Auto Pistol, Revolver, Bow, Pump Shotgun, Bolt-Action Rifle, Silenced Submachine Gun.
- Complete 3 encounters with Dina
- Kill 4 enemies with trap mines in one encounter – Dina has the ability to craft Trap Mines unlocked from the start. Go into a match with 3 Trap Mines already crafted. Place them on the floor and attract enemies, you can let them spot you and run in the area behind the mine to make them walk into it. Then craft a 4th Trap Mine during the encounter for the last kill.
- Craft 10 times in a run – craft 10 times total during ONE RUN. This includes all craftables (health kits, ammo, throwables etc). Can be done with other characters.
- Craft a health kit, Molotov, trap mine, and stun bomb in a run – Dina starts with the crafting recipes for Trap Mine and Stun Bomb. You just need to buy the Molotov Recipe from the weapons locker in the safehouse. Craft one of each with resources you find during encounters. Can be done with other characters too if you buy all 3 recipes from the safehouse.
- Complete 3 encounters with Jesse
- Purchase 10 items from the Trading Post in one run – buy 10 items from the weapons locker in safehouse IN ONE RUN. Go for the cheapest ones such as crafting recipes, ammo, health kits. Weapons cost the most so don’t buy too many of those. Play the encounters that give the most currency.
- Kill 3 enemies with pipe bombs in one encounter – Jesse has the ability to craft pipe bombs from the start. Go into an encounter with 3 pipe bombs already crafted. Throw them directly at enemies to blow them up. You can craft more during the encounter if needed. Can also be done with other characters if you buy the pipe bombs (or recipe) from the weapons locker in safehouse.
- Complete 4 encounters with Tommy
- Kill 5 enemies in one encounter while zoomed in with a scope – use Tommy’s sniper rifle (starting weapon), aim with L2 and press X to use the scope to zoom in. Do 5 kills total in a single encounter. Can also be done with other characters (for example, Manny’s Hunting Pistol can be upgraded with a scope too)
- Complete a run with only your initial gun or guns – don’t buy any weapons from the weapons locker during the whole run. Only use the starting weapon(s). You are allowed to upgrade your weapons. Using throwables/explosives is fine too. You can use bricks, bottles, molotovs, trap mines, pipe bombs, health kits, special ammo. This can be done with any character.
- Complete an encounter where every kill is a headshot – easiest method is to start a custom run with only Capture type encounters. The first encounter will only have 3-4 enemies total. Headshot all of them. Just take it slow and get close to the enemies for easier headshots.
- Complete an encounter without missing a single shot – easiest method is to start a custom run with only Capture type encounters. The first encounter will only have 3-4 enemies total. Use a 1-hit kill weapon such as Tommy’s sniper rifle, or Manny’s hunting pistol to kill one enemy with each shot. Don’t miss a shot. Can be done with any character.
- Complete an infected encounter as Joel – can only be done as Joel, must win an encounter with Infected-type enemies (not human enemies)
- Kill 6 enemies using the same gun without reloading in an encounter – Joel’s custom starting revolver is good for this, it has plenty of enemies. Try to do headshots only, this way you can do 6 kills before needing to reload.
- Kill 3 enemies with shivs in one encounter – Joel starts with the Shiv crafting recipe. Craft 3 shivs before an encounter. Then grab enemies from behind in stealth with
and use the shiv with
to stab them. This also works in unarmed melee combat, sometimes when you hit an enemy with your bare hands you get the prompt to grab them and can use the shiv. Can also use shivs when enemies grab you.
- Hit 5 enemies with a bottle or brick in one run – during encounters search for bottles/bricks and toss them at enemies with R2. Must do this 5 times total in ONE RUN (not one encounter). Works with any character.
- Complete a bloater boss encounter as Joel – start a custom run, under enemies select the boss “Arcade Bloater” (first boss). Alternatively, Garage Bloater also works. Now win a run from start to end and defeat the Bloater boss as Joel. Only works with Joel.
Abby faction challenge tracks includes challenges for Abby, Lev, Yara, Mel and Manny. Below you’ll find each of their challenges and how to complete them.
Note that most challenges can be completed by any character. If the challenge doesn’t say, for example: “as Ellie” – then you can do it with any other character. The challenges save after you leave to main menu or your run ends (even by winning or dying, it doesn’t matter)
- Complete 2 encounters with Abby
- Gain 50 health from melee kills and attacks in one encounter – Abby starts with the “Brawler” skill tree. Learn the first skill to gain health on melee kills. For this, kill a few enemies in an encounter with melee as Abby.
- Upgrade 3 melee weapons in a run – Abby starts with the melee upgrading recipe. Pick up melee weapons from defeated enemies, press touchpad to open the backpack and hold X on the melee upgrade to craft it. Can also be done with other characters if you buy the melee upgrade recipe from the weapons locker.
- Complete an encounter with all melee kills – this can be done with any character. It can be easily done during an Hunted Encounter with Infected (make a Custom Run), defeat one enemy with melee while evading the rest.
- Complete 3 encounters with Lev
- Get 7 kills with explosive arrows in one run – As Lev you start with the “Archery” skill tree. Buy the 2nd skill “Craft Explosive Arrows” (touchpad > R1). Now you can craft explosive arrows. Then press
to swim between regular and explosive arrows. Get 7 kills total with the explosive arrows. Ideally, get some enemies close together to get multikills. If needed you can craft more arrows. This counts across the entire run, doesn’t need to be in one encounter.
- Craft 20 arrows of any type in one run – As Lev you start with the “Archery” skill tree, allowing you to craft arrows from the start. You can craft more per use by buying Lev’s “Craft More Arrows” skill (touchpad > R1). Just collect resources, shoot your arrows, craft new ones, gather more resources and repeat until you crafted 20 total.
- Complete an encounter with all bow kills – Use the bow to defeat every enemy in an encounter. Can be done with any character (Lev starts with Bow, other characters must buy it from safehouse).
- Complete 3 encounters with Yara
- Complete a Seraphite encounter as Yara – Must play as Yara for this. On the encounter board in safehouse it shows what enemy type is present in an encounter. Pick one that says “Seraphites”. You can also create a custom run, enable only Seraphites and disable all other enemies.
- Defeat 3 Seraphite brutes – For this you must defeat the 5th boss “Seraphite Elite” a total of 3 times. The boss with the hammer always counts as a Seraphite Elite. You don’t need to do this with Yara, it counts with any character. Do this in custom runs, disable all other bosses and only enable the Seraphite Elite. This guarantees you get this boss. For other encounters enable only “Capture” to get through it faster. You can also combine this with winning a run with each character.
- Complete 4 encounters with Mel
- Craft 8 health kits in a run – press touchpad > select Medkit > hold X to craft it. You find plenty of the required resources in encounters, and also in chests. Mel starts with the Healing Upgrade branch, you can buy her ability “Double Health Kits” (touchpad > R1) to craft 2 Health Kits per crafting.
- Heal 80 health with one health kit – there are two ways to do this: play as Ellie, from her Perseverance skill tree buy the “Improved Health Kits” to heal +50% per use. An alternate method that works with any character is to play an encounter that unlocks the “Survival” skill book, then buy the “Improved Health Kits” from that. Now let your health get very low to the last red segment. This is very risky because you’d die in one more hit. Ideally do this in encounters against humans, let them shoot you from a safe distance, then hide behind cover when reaching the last health segment. Now use the medkit and it will heal over 80 health total. If you have too much health before using the medkit it won’t restore enough health.
- Fully upgrade any gun – buy all upgrades for any gun at the safehouse workbench, play encounters to get enough parts (can also sometimes buy parts from the weapons locker)
- Kill 5 enemies with incendiary shotgun shells in one run – Manny starts with the “Munitions” skill tree, the third skill is “Craft Incendiary Shells”. You must only buy a shotgun from the weapons locker, then buy this skill (Touchpad > R1). Now craft the incendiary ammo (Touchpad to open backpack and hold X on the incendiary shells). Then switch ammo by pressing
on the shotgun.
There are multiple factors deciding the rank, Mods, accuracy, kills etc. But his trophy will unlock naturally early into No Return. Nearly every boss fight will end with a S rank without even trying. Just enjoy the game.
This will by far be the hardest trophy for 100%. You can only try the Daily Run once per day. But luckily there’s a workaround (See video below). What makes this trophy extra difficult is that the game decides which character you use on that specific day along with enemy types, difficult Mods and which boss you fight.
Luckily, you can turn on all combat accessibility options without voiding the trophy. There are a few options that will help you out tremendously. The first option is unlimited invisibility while prone. This is especially useful for Hunted encounters, you can go prone and crawl around until the timer runs out. If you ever get spotted, you have to break line of sight (or defeat the specific enemy that spotted you), and go prone again – you will see and little circular icon indicating when you’re invisible in the lower right corner. Note that aiming your weapon will make you visible to all enemies.
Next essential option is slow motion while aiming. This is pretty self-explanatory. It will be easier to pull off headshot and evade enemies. You can put the option to toggle slow motion, though I personally think that slow motion while aiming is easier to control during hectic situations.
If the daily run proves to difficult, wait until the next day and hope that the encounters and boss fight have become easier than the day before.
Replay Daily Run workaround: